Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu Studio

Ubuntu Studio 10.04
Company / developer Ubuntu Studio Project
OS family Variant of Ubuntu
Working state Current
Source model Open source
Latest stable release 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) / October 13, 2011; 4 months ago (2011-10-13)
Marketing target Multimedia enthusiasts
Available language(s) English, French, Spanish, Portuguese
Package manager Advanced Packaging Tool (APT)
Supported platforms IA-32, x86-64
Kernel type Monolithic Linux kernel
Default user interface Xfce (formerly GNOME)
License Mainly the GNU GPL / various others
Official website ubuntustudio.org

Ubuntu Studio is an officially recognized derivative[1] of the Ubuntu Linux distribution, which is explicitly geared to general multimedia production. The original version, based on Ubuntu 7.04, was released on May 10, 2007.



Real-time kernel

The real-time kernel, first included with Ubuntu Studio 8.04, was modified for intensive audio, video or graphics work. The 8.10 release lacks this real-time kernel. It has been reimplemented in the 9.04 release and stabilized with the release of 9.10. 10.04, in contrast, does not include the real-time kernel by default. As of version 10.10, the real-time kernel is no longer available in the repositories.

Typically, computers used as audio workstations rely on hardware monitoring which may provide low latency, but does not allow the live signal to be manipulated beyond available hardware effects. To manipulate a live signal, software processing of the signal is necessary, which most audio work stations can only achieve with latencies greater than several tens of milliseconds. Thus, a notable advantage of the Linux real-time kernel is being able to achieve software processing with latencies well below the human perception threshold of 5 to 10ms.

The scheduler allows applications to request immediate CPU time, which can drastically reduce audio latency.[2] In 9.10, the "Ubuntu Studio Controls" provided under System>Administration permit the user to "Enable Nice," allowing the use of wireless networking and proprietary graphics cards drivers while maintaining low audio latency free of XRUNs (audio drop-outs) in JACK. A more negative value entered for "Nice" reserves more CPU time for real-time audio processes.

Appearance and sound theme

Ubuntu Studio also includes custom artwork and a blue-on-black theme, as opposed to Ubuntu's default purple and orange. As with the main distribution of Ubuntu, if an accelerated graphics card and appropriate driver are used, the advanced desktop effects can be enabled. More advanced Compiz effects are available in the Synaptic Package Manager (i.e., Ubuntu repositories). In Karmic 9.10, a fresh sound theme replaces the default Ubuntu theme, with a reverberating melody at startup, and an occasional knock or ping from a button or prompt.

Access to Ubuntu repositories

An important advantage of Ubuntu Studio over most other Linux distributions employing the real-time kernel is access to the same repositories available to the main Ubuntu distributions through the Update Manager, Synaptic Package Manager, as well as through the Add/Remove Applications prompt. This allows for much more frequent operating system updates, and access to a much wider range of software.


There is currently no live version available of Ubuntu Studio, and no graphical installer. In addition, the disk image is about 1.8 GB, too large to fit on a standard CD, and as a result the recommended installation medium for Ubuntu Studio is a DVD or USB flash drive. Ubuntu Studio can also be installed on a pre-existing Ubuntu installation by installing the "ubuntustudio-desktop" package from Advanced Packaging Tool.

In 9.10, the package "ubuntustudio-audio," shown during installation (and also available in the Synaptic Package Manager), cannot be installed without a working Internet connection.

A readily available internet connection is required after installation to maintain system components.

Software included




See also


  1. ^ Ubuntu Derivatives, Canonical Ltd., Retrieved on 24 May 2008
  2. ^ Trumm, Aaron (2004), "The Linux-Based Recording Studio", Linux Journal 2004 (121), http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=982972.982977 

External links